Friday, March 13, 2009

Missing Grandpa

It has been 11 days when I received that phone call saying grandpa has had a stroke, but we think he will be okay. Then the next day I got another call from mom and said you need to get the kids and come to the hospital. Grandpa isn't doing good and he has no response, he may not make it. Me and the kids threw our stuff in the car and drove like crazy to the Gunnison Hospital and by the time I got there all the grandkids were there. I walked in the room and I dropped to the floor, the next day he was still there so all of us grandkids went to the hospital & spent the day. That was the hardest thing I have ever done was to watch my grandpa lay there in the hospital bed dying. On Thursday, mom said for the kids to stay home because he wasn't going to make it through the day. We prayed a lot, we asked our Heavenly Father to bless him & it was in his hands. He died about 5:30pm, we were so sad, but was glad that he did not have to lay their day after day in a coma state. It was a shock because grandpa hadn't been sick before, he had a broken ankle 20 some years ago & that was it. His funeral was Wed. March 11, and it was very nice, we laid the casket on the back of the big "Peterbilt" truck and gave grandpa his last ride to the cemetary and that was very touching. The grandkids spoke in the funeral about memories we had of grandpa. My mom and uncle done the tribute which was awesome. I feel so blessed to have so many memories of my grandpa and enjoyed him in my childhood years. I am glad that Baylee & Howdy got to know their grandpa great. We will miss him very much, his smile, his laugh, his sense of humor and most of all, our grandpa. We love you grandpa and we will miss you! Till we meet again I love you!!


Trina said...

OK, seriously... I had done so good today - hadn't cried a bit. Until, that is - I read your blog, and THAT SONG. Crap. That really got me going.
It was nice to have you guys around for more than a few days, even though the circumstances weren't the best. Look forward to seeing you again in a few weeks.