Sunday, July 26, 2009

Winning Weekend!

This weekend was a good weekend for Billy he went to the World series roping in Farmington Utah. He won the # 13 ropin. He has already qualified for the finals that they have in December down in Vegas during the rodeo, so we will be spending a few days down there which I can't wait. Then Friday night we went to the Altamont rodeo and he split 1st and 2nd. Heavy and Patsy had a BBQ Fri night so we went there before the rodeo. Sat we went to Vernal and spent the day, it was my mother in-laws b-day. This next week is UBIC our big fair so it is a busy week. Baylee has to perform 3 nights this week and then the parade is Sat, and it is the US ropin in Vernal to, so Billy will rope on Friday and then we will go back over Sat so the kids can be in the Dummy Ropin.